Functions of the Registrar Office:

The Registrar office has following divisions performing different functions:

Academic Wing:

Academic wing is responsible for conducting meetings of all the statutory bodies including Syndicate, Academic Council, ASRB, Board of Faculties, Board of Studies etc. Any correspondence with academic departments regarding any academic program or other related issues is made by this wing.

Admission & Registration Wing:

Students’ admission starting from launch of advertisement, designing application form, reception of application forms is the responsibility of this wing. After admission the students are assigned enrollment numbers and the record is maintained.

HR Wing:

This branch deals with hiring of staff and faculty. The process includes launch of advertisement as and when necessary, reception of applications, scrutiny of documents, shortlisting of eligible candidates, conducting selection boards or selection committees and finally hiring on either BS or TTS basis. Contractual appointments are also made by this wing.

Establishment Wing

The Establishment wing keeps the personal, academic and professional record of employees. Faculty or staff members after hiring report to this wing for joining duty and keeps in touch till their retirement.

Communication Wing:

All the correspondence with HEC, HED, PHEC and other bodies is made through this wing.

Stakeholders of the Registrar’s office:

  • Present students of the university
  • Faculty members of the University
  • Administrative staff of the University
  • Committees of the University
  • Potential applicants, their administrators, schools, colleges
  • Other universities
  • Employers
  • Government & attached departments or agencies

Contact Us:

The Office of Registrar
GC Women University Sialkot
Tel:  Ext. 117, 052-9250170